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Remodeling Heterotopia



With 'Remodeling Heterotopia', Topp & Dubio recreate their favorite and as yet inaccessible exhibition space 'The Brick Space' (Glasgow) as a movable heterotopia; a place where the distinction between artwork and art space is discussed. New works and models for exhibitions will be tested here for about three months. Topp & Dubio organize several presentation moments that are open to the public and that explore the concept of 'exhibition' in many different ways.



#01 Remodeling Heterotopia | 24.05.2024 ----- 26.05.2024 | official opening of The Brick Space

#02 PACKED/STACKED | 30.05.2024 ----- 03.06.2024

#03 The Ship, The Well, The Theme Park | 06.06.2024 ----- 09.06.2024

#04 The Path of Least Resistance | 10.06.2024 ----- 16.06.2024

#05 Diversion Ends | 17.06.2024 ----- 19.06.2024

#06 The Garden | 21.06.2024 ----- 23.06.2024

#07 Exhibition for (n)one | 30.06.2024

#08 Abstractionisms | 04.07.2024 ----- 07.07.2024

#09 New Order - Ton van Kints | 12.07.2024 ----- 14.07.2024

#10 Kraak - Petra van der Schoot | film recording sessions | 18.07.2024 ----- 21.07.2024

#11 A Notion is an Idea | 01.08.2024 ----- 04.08.2024

#12 Buoyant Realms: Echoes go wrong | 09.08.2024 ----- 13.08.2024

#13 Thoughtful Works | 15.08.2024 ----- 18.08.2024

#14 Scottish Working Class Network | Instagram takeover | 20.08.2024 ----- 24.08.2024

#15 At Last It Came Into Focus | 20.08.2024 ----- 25.08.2024

#16 The Brick Space Cinema Movie Night: Rear Window | 28.08.2024

#17 Scottish Open Shogi Championship 2024 | 30.08.2024

#18 Laundry Day | 05.09.2024 ----- 08.09.2024

#19 The Left Hand Doesn't Know What The Right Hand Is Doing | 13.09.2024 ----- 17.09.2024

#20 Filmpremiere: Kraak - Petra van der Schoot | 20.09.2024 ----- 21.09.2024

#21 Vanishing Point | 27.09.2024 ----- 29.09.2024 | last public exhibition in The Brick Space | Hoogtij#78


Follow Instagram/Facebook: @toppdubio | @insidethebrickspace


Also read this art review about Remodeling Heterotopia on


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Het kunstenaarsduo Topp & Dubio heeft ...ism project space in Den Haag overgenomen en getransformeerd tot een nieuwe ruimte genaamd 'The Brick Space'.

Met het project ’Remodeling Heterotopia’ herscheppen Topp & Dubio hun favoriete en vooralsnog onbereikbare tentoonstellingsruimte ‘The Brick Space’ (Glasgow) als verplaatsbare heterotopie. De installatie is een 1-op-1 kopie van de gelijknamige ruimte in Glasgow (onderdeel van The Modern Institute). Gedurende drie maanden worden hierin nieuwe werken en modellen voor tentoonstellingen getest. Topp & Dubio organiseren verschillende presentatiemomenten die voor publiek toegankelijk zijn en die het begrip ‘tentoonstelling’ op experimentele wijze verkennen.

Topp & Dubio | The Brick Space, Westeinde 31A, 2512 GS Den Haag | @toppdubio | @insidethebrickspace






Remodeling Heterotopia


The Brick Space, Den Haag

may-sept 2024